Winter Exploration
Winter, we get it! Come experience winter in the Almaguin Highlands, and create your own winter getaway package! With seven kilometres of on-site trails, we have lots of options for you!
In addition to our on-site trails, we are literally surrounded by trail networks for a variety of outdoor winter fun.
For information on 2025 rates, view the Your Stay page. The per person daily accommodation rates range between only $65 to $76 CAD WITH tax.
With our property, you can easily enjoy an activity filled winter retreat without even needing to get back in your vehicle. Arrive, settle in and enjoy the cozy vibe! Details follow on optional activities:
Available prime winter weekends!
January 31st to February 2nd
February 28th to march 2nd
March 7th to 9th.
Availability during Ontario March break!
Click on Book or contact us.
Our on-site snowshoeing trails range from easy to intermediate. Try the whole loop and see the transition of the landscape, from field, to wetland, to forest. Keep your eyes open to catch a glimpse of a snowshoe hare, grouse or deer! The region also boasts many winter hiking options through the Forgotten Trails and Discovery Routes networks.
Bring your own shoes, or we can connect you with a rental operation prior to your stay.
Cross-Country Skiing
If you are interested in a variety of groomed cross-country ski trails, we are 40 minutes from Arrowhead Provincial Park and just over an hour from Georgian Nordic Outdoor Activity Centre or Wasi Cross Country Ski Club.
A bit of a longer drive, but with in day-trip range is the famous Leaf Lake ski network in Algqonuin Park, with 5 to 45km trail options and the view from the Pine Tree Cabin lookout.
Fat Biking
Fat biking in the winter is a blast! We can get you set up on an introductory trail if you have never tried it before, or the more experienced fat bikers can use the more challenging on-site trails. If you would like something longer than seven kilometres, we are just over an hour from Georgian Nordic Outdoor Activity Centre with over 20km of groomed fat biking trails. Bring your own fat bike, or we have two fat bikes on-site for you to try. If you need more than two, we can connect you with a rental operation prior to your stay.
Whether you are looking to learn a new skill or build on your existing experience, we can provide instruction on orienteering by map and compass, and set you up with your own practice course afterwards. Orienteering in the winter will be done with snowshoes.
Our nieces can verify that we have an awesome tobogganing hill! It is a wide open natural gully, just steps from our accommodation. Bring your own toboggan, or use our complimentary snow disc for some delightful fun.
Dog Sledding
During the snowy months, there are several local opportunities for checking out a dog sledding event or taking a tour. Add some bark to your weekend!
Regional Dog Sled Tour Providers:
North Ridge Ranch - Huntsville Ontario
Snowforest Adventures - Algonquin Park
Regional Dog Sled Events:
The Sleddog Sports Association of Southern Ontario (SSASO) race in South River is scheduled for January 18th and 19th.
The 2025 Kearney Dog Sled Races are on February 8th and 9th.
The Seguin Sled Dog Mail Run event is scheduled for February 22nd.
Night Sky and Star Gazing
Guests are often amazed at the dark night sky and great views we have for star gazing. Throughout 2024, we have had several incredible viewings of the Northern Lights, just steps from our accommodation.
Evening Bonfires & Hot Chocolate
A big part of winter is drinking hot chocolate to help keep us fueled and warm! What could be better than ending your evening with a bonfire and hot chocolate while checking out the night sky? We even provide the firewood 🙂